Your Property Management and Real Estate Investment Team

Local, licensed, and your boots on the ground.

a group of home ladder employees standing shoulder to shoulder

Meet Your Team

Ruger: Chief Bark Officer

Property Pointer, Duke of the Dog Park, Floppy Eared Founder, Tennis Ball Titan, & Baron of Birds

Rachel Bordenet: Director of Operations

The Real Boss, Queen of Quips and Care, Prophet of Profit, Executive Tie Breaker, The Voice of Reason, Champion of Culture, and The Lady of Loud

Rebecca Eck: Property Manager

Maestro of Maintenance, Archduchess of Appfolio, Empress of Organization, Horse Whisperer, Green Thumb Guru, Rent Regulator, and The Youthful YaYa

Erin Laski: Property Manager

Princess of Proactiveness, Onboarding Oligarch, Lord of LeadSimple, Relationship Jedi, Efficiency Expert, Wizard of Light Bulb Moments, Master of Multitasking, and the General of Golden Retrievers

Jessica Sabye: Property Associate

Princess of Positivity and Duchess of Decibels

Phillip Morgan: Property Manager

Chief Philosopher, Master of Maintenance, Prince of Poker, Grumbling Gatekeeper, and Sage of High School Stories

Alicia Calano: Property Manager

Owner Oligarch, Sultan of Short Emails, Queen of Canines, Vineyard Viceroy, and Lord of Little Dogs

Brandon Graham: Co-Founder

Oracle of Inspiration, Emperor of Efficiency, President of Process, Workflow Wizard, Grammar Demigod, Earl of Handsome, Baron of Double-Black Diamonds, Governor-General of Great Hair, Duke of Dad Jokes, and Lord of Lentils

Travis Bohling: Co-Founder, Broker

Chief Fun Officer, Wizard of Why, Visionary Vanguard, Pundit of Persistence, Accountability Czar, King of Candor, Sultan of Swole, Baron of Brawn and Brains, Gym Gains Guru, Caffeine Commander, and Awkward Moment Architect

What We Believe

Happy residents = healthy investments

Real estate = personal and financial freedom

We Need More Homes

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